Easy-to-use universal microprocessor charger equipped with a balancer, for battery packs consisting of 2-3 Li-Po cells or 1-8 NiMH cells.
The charger has three LEDs indicating the operating mode. Pressing once, choose the type of battery. To start charging, press and hold the button for 3 seconds.
Fast flashing of the LED indicates a fault, disconnect the charger from the power supply and check the connections and the condition of the battery itself.
During charging, the LED blinks, when the charging is complete, the LED is permanently on.
Charging: Red
Full charged: Green
Failure: Red blink
The LiPo / LiFe battery should be connected only via the balancer connector and the NiMH battery through the adapter included in the set!
The balancer has two inputs one for 7.4 V batteries, the other one for 11.1V batteries.
The charger does not have the option of loading two batteries at the same time!
It is characterized by a power of 25W and a current charging up to 3A.